Monday, November 13, 2017

Veteran's Day

I have been trying really hard lately to keep the blogs rolling for all of you back home. This way you have more of an idea of what is going on in my life! I can’t lie but I really enjoyed having a day off from school this week. The long weekend was very much needed. It is now Sunday morning and I am dreading the workweek already. I remember a couple of years ago when I was getting ready to go back to college and complaining about the fact that I didn’t want to go to classes. I looked at my dad and said I really hate Sunday nights because I know I have school the next. He then looked back and said it doesn’t get any better when you are done with college because then you have to work. That statement couldn’t have been any more true.
On Thursday I stayed up late so that we could go fishing for pa-low-low don’t know how to spell it in Samoan but that’s what it sounds like to me. This is a type of fish/worm that only comes out in October and November. The fish will come out a week after full moon around twelve and four in the morning. So around midnight all the locals head to the beach. It was the beach that you can find behind the school. I went with Lusi and some of his friends. We sat out on the beach with locals and looked on the beach and waited. To catch this fish you have to go in the water and net them out. The nets looked like the ones you see at the pool only hand made. The pa-low-low looks like a really really skinny worm. To me it looks really gross. Samoans take the pa-low-low and fry it with butter and eat it with rice. I have never tried it and the night we went they only caught a little bit.
On Friday you could say I was a little bit lazy. I spent most of my morning watching movies and cleaning up. So cleaning house here can be quite a task because when you clean you start to sweat so on Friday. If I started sweating I just sat down and watched a movie. Once I cooled off I continued on with the cleaning. After I finished the household chores I decided to go swimming and play with kids. I like to go swimming with the kids once in a while but sometimes I just need a break from them too.
            On Saturday I did my usual Saturday shopping I had to get some food and a new phone. I accidently washed my island on Friday and so I had to get a new one. Let me tell you getting a phone here is a lot easier then in the states. We also decided to stop by the high school football game on Saturday. The football teams are really good out here and the games are usually fun to watch. I think the best part of the football game is the fact that you can see the ocean from the field. So if I get sick of watching the game I just watch the ocean.

            On Saturday afternoon after we got back from shopping I decided to make some banana bread. The school always gives me a lot of bananas so I just froze them so I could make some bread. I really missed baking last year so this I bought all the ingredients to bake so when I feel like baking I actually can. As I was baking my banana bread I ran into a slight problem. The chocolate chips I bought had melted into a big clump. So I broke them into small pieces and put them in the batter. I then started stirring and you know what. My chocolate chips all started melting. Save to say it was really hot on Saturday!

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