Here is a picture of the sunset a couple of weeks ago. Virginia and I took our hammocks out for the night and watched the sunset and it was so pretty. Sometimes we forget the natural beauty of the island because we get so caught up in our normal life.
Here is a picture of me sitting in the hammock enjoying the sunset.
My students decorated our door for Halloween.
Doing whatever we can to cool off inside the house.
My students on Halloween!
This dog absolutely loves us whenever he sees us he comes running full speed at us. Whenever we go on walks he follows behind us.
We realize that this is a horrible picture of us but it is a perfect depiction of how we felt that day. We had just finished school and decided to walk home. It was so hot that day and we were sweating and crabby and just wanted to be home. Our hair is all over the place and we were just hot.
Many of the beaches here are untouched by the locals. It is so nice to just go sit on the beach and not have any one around.
Our nights consists of sitting outside chatting with our friends at the wharf or we go for walks along the ocean.
Meet Luci like it or not we adopted him as a friend!
Locals always go spearfishing at night. The guys always stop them so we can look at all the different fish that they catch. The other night they caught and octopus.
After school we always go to the volleyball games to watch everyone play and we always get swarmed with little ones.
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