Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Back at it!

After a nice long break from the island it was nice to get home and see everyone. When we got back to the island it was my birthday. My roommates made me a chocolate cake and we went swimming for the day. We have done a lot of swimming lately because it is about the only way we can cool off here. I was honestly just happy to be back to my new normal after being in New Zealand for two weeks. After my birthday it was time to get back into the swing of school. I was excited to get back to school just so that I could get back on my normal schedule for a day. I was also excited to see my students since I really hadn’t seen them since I had gotten back from New Zealand. The first day back at school felt like the first day of school all over. The students were filled with energy and excitement and were not used to sitting down all day. We had some pipe issues the first day back so we actually only had a half day the first day which was really nice.
            The rest of the week at school went pretty well. It took my students a little bit to remember what we were talking before we went on break. We also have not had the end of the semester yet. It might be a student’s worst nightmare but it is also a teacher’s worst nightmare. We had a two weeks off of school and now we are supposed to have final exams. Trying to get my students to think back to what we discussed in August is almost like pulling teeth. We have reviews for the rest of the week and then next week we will start our final exams. After all of that is over I will get a nice weeklong break while my parents come to visit the island. I am not real sure who is more excited my parents or me! This has been the longest we have ever been apart before.
            On Saturday we had the opportunity to go grocery shopping. This is a big deal for us. Shivaun called us and told us to meet her at the store and she would drive us wherever we needed to go for the day. We got a whole bunch of groceries. It was nice to restock up our fridge and I found some new foods that I am going to try out. Every time we go to the store I always find some kind of food that I want to try out. We also had the opportunity to get our packages. Big shout out to my grandma for sending me care package filled with supplies for tacos and other things! I absolutely love getting the packages. The bars are also disappearing quite quickly it seems that our friends on the island really like your bars! J
            It is now Tuesday afternoon and my students have been sent home from school for the day. We had an early out today because we are having some pipe issues at the school. The water was not working at school so the students were all sent home at noon. In the morning the vice principal came into the classroom saying that they had no water so no one was allowed to go to the bathroom. If a student had to go to the bathroom they would have to either use their bike or ask a friend to use their bike to go home and go to the bathroom. Any student that did not come back to school would receive a zero in all classes and would be counted absent for the school day. It was really amazing the second that the announcement was made my students all had to go to the bathroom. I couldn’t believe how they all of the sudden had to go to bathroom…

Hope you are all having a great week back home we are still sweating it out here in Samoa.
With Love,


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