Monday, March 6, 2017

Bring on March

I can’t believe that it is already march and my year here is getting closer and closer to being over. I am not going to lie I am getting pretty excited to go home and see everyone but it makes me sad to leave this place that I now call my new home. The month of March rolled in with some major heat. This week we finally got back to the heat that we usually have. It has been cool here ever since my parents have been here. It is no longer cool and I am back to the normal of sweating all the time and never being quite comfortable in the heat.
These past couple of weeks have been a little tough in the classroom. It is the time of year where I feel like everyone gets into a slump. My students are definitely in the slump where they are ready for school to be done and to move on to high school. I am in the slump of I just want a break from school. As I was talking to a few friends from back home I soon found out that they were dealing with similar problems and that we are all getting closer to the end of the year and we students have that insane amount of energy.
This past weekend we decided to get off of our little island and head over to the main island. Lusi told us that we should go with him to the cricket game on Saturday. I know very little about cricket but it sounded like a nice get away from the island. We left early on Saturday morning so we could also get some grocery shopping in before the game. We were lucky enough to be able to use Lusi’s family car for about an hour so we could quickly get groceries before the game. At the game we sat under a big tent in the shade with all the rest of the people on our island. It was a girls cricket game and all the ladies on the island play on the team. Our students were very excited to see us at the game along with the locals. They always make us feel so welcome. Not even ten minutes after we sat down our neighbor had ran to the store to get us water, fruit, snickers. She made sure that we were also in the shade the whole game because it was so hot outside. After the game we all boarded onto a bus that took us right back to the harbor. The bus was full of people that were all from our island and they spent a majority of the bus ride chanting and singing along to the music being played. It was a lot of fun and I always like hanging around the locals.
On Sunday we spent our morning sweating it out at church it was so hot. After church we have made it kind of a tradition that Lusi brings over ribs or fried chicken depending on what his family makes and then I make mashed potatoes and sometimes another veggie. This way we can all have a big Sunday meal together. Usually after Lusi, Dana, and I eat all the food we end up all falling asleep on the couches for a couple of hours.  After our Sunday naps we head over to the school for some lesson planning and Internet. After lesson planning we spend our nights watching movies and just trying to stay cool!

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