Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Classroom Happenings

We are have reached the longest month of the school year. March always seems to take forever especially since we have no breaks.             I am trying to have a more positive lookout on it this year. I am excited for multiple weeks of continuous learning. Whenever we have breaks and really throws us for a loop. I am so proud of my students this year. They have really done a great job inside the classroom. Some times I can tell they are getting tired of all the work but for the most part they push through it. Some days I have create some incentives or games to keep them cheery and happy but I am okay with that! Whatever gets them learning.
            We have started our second novel study of the year. A novel study is when we pick one particular book and read it as a class. Since we only have one copy of the book we are reading out loud. This way I can work on their comprehension skills along with listening all at once. We just started reading Charlotte’s Web. I have never read the book before or saw the movie so I am just as excited as my students. Today we started reading the book and our reading class is supposed to finish at 9:00 and I got a little into the book. Shocker. Before I knew it was 9:00 my students all giggled when I figured out what time it was. They go the book was so good we didn’t want to stop you from reading. In reality they all just want to finish the book because I promised we would watch the movie once we finished the book. One of my students also told she went on youtube last night and watched the movie because she couldn’t wait to see what happened…. I told her I would be very upset if she tells me how the book ends. I am really hoping by reading this book they will become more motivated to read chapter books.
            As we are reading this book I had to spend a large amount of time explaining what a farm was. Along with teaching them farm words. Coming from living in a farm community we grew up knowing all these words. It was fun to explain to them a farm and all the different types of animals. I just love when they get so interesting in their learning.
            We are also working on a big project in our Science class. We just finished talking about the four different spheres and how natural disasters affect them. We are now going to create a news report over tsunamis and how we can prepare for one. Each student will record their news report on the ipad for all to see. They are pretty excited about this. Another student told me they were watching videos over natural disasters last night on youtube. At least they are watching stuff related to class at home!
            Hope you are all doing well at home!

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