Saturday, March 2, 2019


Sundays are my day to “refuel” myself for the week. I spend my days catching up on schoolwork, homework, and housework. I also make sure to set time aside to actually relax. Some weeks it seems that the work can just pile up but in order to keep my sanity I have to let myself take a break. As I was reflecting over my week and the upcoming week the one thing that kept coming back to my mind was my car.
            I am not sure I have mentioned this in my blog yet but way back in November my car overheated. Not real surprising in the extreme heat and salt conditions we have here. We brought the car in thinking it would be a nice quick fix. Man was I wrong. At first frustration was flowing from. I was so mad that it just wouldn’t be fixed. I was upset about how much money ended up getting put into this car. I also missed the convenience of being able to go to town whenever I wanted. As time started to pass I kept praying for this car to be fixed. Still no answer. As I was sharing with Lusi I told him about how sometimes I think God gives us blessings in disguise. At first we don’t really understand why something may be happening in our life and we may become very frustrated. As the bible says many times we need to be patient and God will do things in his own timing. I believe that this was one of these moments. The car was becoming a major stress in our lives. No need to get into the details. It was causing us to get into disagreements and added stress. Once the car was broken we noticed quite a change. Both of us were a lot less stressed. We spent more Saturdays enjoying the island life instead of trying to do American things and eat American food. We ended up finding nice little marts to shop at a lot closer to home and a lot cheaper. We also became very appreciative of the bus system and still being able to get around the island when needed. Not having a car reminded me a lot of my first year here and reminded me of why I fell in love with this place. So even though I didn’t see it at first I believe it was truly a blessing.
            Sometimes we don’t understand why things are happening in our lives we just have to trust the process. Everything always has a strange way of working out. 

With Love,


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