Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Easter & Flag Day

The practices for the dances, skits, and songs have been in full swing for the church. Around four to five hour practices everyday. They were informed that the T.V. station was coming to record them, which lead to very intense practices. Unfortunately, I will not be able to participate because I have to go to the airport to pick up Dana that night. Dana was my roommate my very first year and I haven’t since her since we departed ways in Hawaii. I can’t wait to have her back for a couple of days and to show her around the island again. She will be here from Thursday night until Monday night. It will be a quick trip but can’t wait to spend time with her.
            Along we Easter this week we also have the holiday of Flag Day here. Which includes the Fautasi races. The Fautasi races are boats that about forty men row in. The row from one part of the island to another and the first one done holds the title for the year. The time and day of the race always depends on the ocean. So the Saturday before Flag Day is the first scheduled race, depending on the ocean. Luckily, this year it happened on Saturday morning. I have never actually watched the races because transportation can be a little difficult and Aunu’u doesn’t have a team. It was live streamed so I watched a little bit from my house. One of the boats this year actually snapped in half in the middle of the ocean. They had to send rescue boats out to come bring the people back in. They have only found one half of the boat. The other half off the boat is nowhere to be found.
            Along with the Fautasi races they also have an event at the stadium. This years theme is focusing on the schools and our future leaders of American Samoa. All of the high schools had to pick a group of students to perform traditional dances to Samoan songs. All the elementary schools had to have their teachers perform a traditional Samoan dance. Due to the boats and the timing of the performances our school declined performing. Thank goodness because I am not very good at the Samoan Siva and would rather not have the whole island watching me dance.

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