Monday, October 1, 2018

Bingo and Cookies

There are two things that you should know about Samoa they love bingo and they love food! Everybody here gets paid on the same day every two weeks. So we all get to celebrate the joys of getting paid on the same day. One of the fundraisers our church does on pay week is hold bingo.(Now the one thing I don’t get is they are gambling at church but one does not ask questions). They only have bingo on pay week because by the second week people are usually out of money. Now bingo here is nothing like bingo in the states. Its very intense and honestly I don’t understand it. They don’t play four corners or four in a row like us. They have four bingo cards sitting in front of them at one time. They all have their dabbers and are dabbing away. I really tried to play a couple of times but for one they say it in samoan and by the time I figure out what number they have, and then dabbed all four cards they have moved on to a new number. So I rarely play unless someone really wants me to play with them.
The real reason I go to bingo is for the pepsi. So pepsi is like my all time favorite drink and you can’t buy it on our island and I don’t want to buy a case of it because its so expensive. So I only allow myself to buy it on bingo nights because a family sells soda at bingo. Another family sells sandwiches. Which brought me to my rather brilliant idea to get a little extra money. I decided to sell cookies. Not many people have ovens in their and even fewer know how to make homemade cookies. Now I have made my cookies a few times and everyone kept asking for more. So I decided why not take a shot at making cookies and selling them at bingo. I made a double batch of cookie dough and had Lusi bake them while I was at school. We made around 110 cookies. We decided to start a little small just in case they didn’t sell. For one I didn’t want a hundred extra cookies laying around and two have you ever tried making a double batch of cookies without a mixer? My arms were shaking after trying to stir in all that flour!
Well we bagged up all our cookies and brought them to Bingo for our trial run. Bingo hadn’t even started and we were straight out of cookies. We were walking up to bingo and people were like running to us for cookies. I think I was maybe out of the house for twenty minutes.
So we have decided we might successful in a cookie business on island…. Friday we are going to attempt making them again only with double of what we made today!
With Love,


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