Tuesday, October 23, 2018

One Class Complete

I have finally completed my first master’s class. Yay! I am so happy to have finally finished one and we are already off and running with my second one. Let me tell you sometimes I don’t think the professor’s factor in the fact that we are full time teachers and cant read six chapters a week from a textbook. That may just be a little excessive.  So now I am spending what little free time I have reading from textbooks. How exciting…

Our school is currently in the middle of doing WASC. Don’t ask me what it means because I honestly have no idea. Anyway it’s a long report about our school and how its running and how we are ensuring our students are performing. All of the teachers have to get together every week to discuss this and work on the report. Then when we complete this report people from the United States will come to evaluate the school and determine if we are reaching the needs of our students. Each school in American Samoa has to complete this and we are one of the last ones left to do this. I can’t wait until we are finished with all of this.

This week it has been raining since Thursday. I hate when it rains in a constant rain like this. Everything feels damp. Your clothes, bed, and everything just has a damp feeling to it. Even the floors in my house are damp and slippery. I am ready for some sunshine. I also have not been able to do laundry because it will never ever dry in this weather and I am running a little short on clothes… So sunshine is needed!

My students are still doing very well. I am very proud of how they are doing in writing. I am telling you this is so hard to teach to them. They hate doing writing everyday but I keep telling them the more we do it the easier it will get. I often tell them they write better than the now fifth grade class to give them a little motivation. Works like a charm. One of the things I never expected as being a problem in my classroom is a toothache. This is a common problem in my classroom. We just covered taking care of our teeth along with a dentist. I have had multiple students come up to me and ask me what’s the word is for the person that fixes our teeth. A dentist. And then they will tell me they are going home to tell their parents. I have had a couple just break out into tears in the middle of class because it hurts so bad. Poor kiddos. Part of the problem is these kids eat soooooo much candy and have at least one or two sodas a day. One time I watched a kid drink three sodas while eating their lunch… McDonalds took away the self-serve soda because they kept running out because everyone would get so many refills! Safe to say we have a little problem with it.
With Love,


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