Monday, August 15, 2016

Is this really happening?

Welcome to the American Samoa where you enter the world of I don’t knows. The education system in the Samoa is very different. Samoa is in such a high need of teachers that they had to hire people with no education background and don’t speak any Samoan. Samoan is a very difficult language to learn and many Samoans can’t even speak the language fluently. Samoan’s also cant speak English fluently, which makes it a challenge. The education system is very disorganized. For example they have been sponsoring World Teach for nine years and after nine years they still have not figured out an effective way to book flights for the group going to an outer mile sixty miles away. It’s just an adjustment for someone who is so used to having everything planned out for them.

The reality of teaching in the Samoa is finally starting to hit me. We have had lots of discussions about what to expect when we enter the classroom. First, of all school starts in two weeks and I have no idea how many students I will have. I don’t know what my classroom looks like or what subjects I am expected to teach. I had half expected to have this happen so I am just rolling with it and taking it day by day. I can let all these big fears over take me. I can let the anxiety of what is going to happen in these next two weeks or year take over me or I can just take it day by day. I have realized that when I am faced with overwhelming situations I have to step back and figure out what’s most important at this very moment. Tackle the most important task first and move on to the next one. We are only human and can only do so much.

This leads into my final point of the day. You are the only person that can control your happiness. This is an important concept for everyone to learn. Multiple times this summer while I was talking to people filling up their boats with gas and we had this very discussion. We talked about how many people are chasing after getting money or at least looking like they had their life together. But does money really make you happy? Or does it just make you greedy? I know that if I had the fanciest boat on the lake but no friends to share it with its no fun. Money can’t buy friendships and money can’t buy happiness. Even though I am barely making any money by traveling to the Samoa I am happy. I have made so many new friends my first few weeks here. I am enjoying the natural beauty of this island.  I am making memories that can last a lifetime. Even when work seems to consume your life you need to step back take a breath, count to ten (something my mom has taught me), and know that everything is going to work out. One way or another you are going to make it. You just have to trust the process and go along for the ride. We were never promised that life would be easy but we can make the most of each circumstance that we get put into. So make the most of the day have fun and enjoy the ride!
With love,


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Abby - We are so excited for this journey God has you on! Your blog is awesome and so detailed - can't wait to read how the first day goes! - Mary and Brian Akker

  3. Abby - We are so excited for this journey God has you on! Your blog is awesome and so detailed - can't wait to read how the first day goes! - Mary and Brian Akker

  4. You have a great attitude and trust your gut instinct and trust your faith in God to guide you through the days. The kids on the island are lucky to have you as their teacher.
