Thursday, September 22, 2016

Open house and rain!

Today was our open house at school. I had no idea what to expect with this. The only open houses I had heard of in the states is after school hours. The parents and students would come in after school hours to see the classroom and meet the teachers. In Samoa they have the open house in the middle of the day. The parents come into the classroom in the middle of the day to watch the teacher teach. That is what I thought it was. Bless my student’s hearts because without them some days I would be completely clueless as to what is going on. One student goes, “Teacher go talk to the parents about the student and go outside the classroom and bring a chair for the parent to sit in.” In my head I am thinking so I leave my classroom and hope my students continue doing something while I talk about another student outside the classroom. Hmm this could be a little interesting. It was like an informal parent teacher conference. It is also not uncommon to talk about a student’s behavior in front of the whole class with the parents. Not what I am used to but that’s just how it is done out here. The open house went well once I figured out what I was supposed to be doing. It was refreshing hearing all the parents telling me how grateful they were that I came here to teach their child.

After school we saw a bunch of people out at the Wharf . Curiosity got the best of us and we went to see what was going. We saw a different kind of boat that was transferring a car to our island. We were very curious as to how they were going to get the car onto the land so we sat down and watched the process. All the local guys were standing by the boat “ramp.” The ramp is very steep and very slippery. They had to wait until the water was just the right height and they drove it off the boat onto the ramp. They had the pickup they were bringing to the island tied up to another pick up at the top of the ramp. The pickup up at the top had to pull it up because the ramp was too slippery and they were unable to drive it up. I was just hoping the pick up they were bringing onto the island would not slide into the ocean. It took a while for them to do it but they finally got it on land.  

It has been raining all night, which meant that we didn’t have volleyball. It was really weird not seeing all of our friends because it was raining. We decided to watch some One Tree Hill and I made some flash cards to work on learning the language. My goal is to become somewhat fluent before I leave. My students have been helping and correcting me as I use more of it in the classroom. It helps when I speak it all the time. So sometimes my students make me say it in their language just so I get the hang of it.

Tonight I was going to go plug my computer in. I decided to go and peek at the other rat traps to make sure we didn’t catch anymore or that they didn’t get set off for some reason. To my surprise we had caught ANOTHER rat…….. I am now paranoid of how many we actually have in our house. The one that was in this trap was really fat. These things are so disgusting and I need to figure out where they are coming from because I don’t like the thought of them in my house. Just be thankful you don’t have a rat problem in your house because its not one bit fun!

With Love,


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